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Old Spokes Home: Multicultural Youth Apprenticeship Program


Old Spokes Home: Multicultural Youth Apprenticeship Program

News from Sarah Camille Wilson, Executive Director of the Old Spokes Home:

I’d like to share a few highlights from this summer’s Youth Apprenticeship Program, and to thank the Richard Tom Foundation for your support this year.

The 2024 cohort of the Multicultural Youth Apprenticeship Program (a collaboration between Old Spokes Home and Spectrum Youth and Family Services) kicked off on July 9th. The cohort was led by two members of the OSH team, Mechanic and Program Coordinator Audrey Zizza and Junior Mechanic (and former apprentice) Jacob Shoram. It was wonderful to see Jacob blossom as a mentor working with this group of young people, and to see how well they responded to a leader who got his start through a similar program. I would like this to be a consistent part of the program going forward, as it adds depth and meaning both to the participants, and to the professional development of the junior instructor.

Each of the apprentice mechanics learned about mechanics and repair on used bikes, and at the end of the program each of them got to keep the bike they learned to work on. Audrey and Jacob spoke warmly about seeing the group come out of their shells and get more comfortable on their bikes each week. As the program progressed, the group took OSH’s Mobile Repair Unit cargobike out to area low-income housing developments and the Winooski Public Library to offer bike repair services in the community. These opportunities allow the apprentices to practice the skills they’ve been learning “live”, and to see that the bicycle is a tool for building community as well as increasing mobility.

As a new ED who started just before this year’s apprentices arrived, it was really special to get to see these young people gain skills and confidence in my first weeks on the job. I’m incredibly proud that we can offer an opportunity for young people that demonstrates the power of the bicycle to increase individual and collective mobility, agency, and equity

We wrapped up the five-week program with a graduation ceremony (complete with cake!). Audrey made certificates for all of the graduates, and congratulated them on their achievements. I’ve included some photos below. We are so grateful to the Richard Tom Foundation for supporting this endeavor and it’s lasting impact on youth and their communities.

Our mission is to honor the legacy of Richard Tom by creating opportunities for all to discover the community, adventure and joy of cycling.

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